of Paulos' ABCNews.com columns Paulos wins AAAS award
- photo Paulos gets math communications award
from MAA, AMS (2013) More Miscellaneous Pieces: My
review of Infinitesimal in NY Times My
essay on the math of romantic crushes in NY Times Wow-11111011111, 2015 a
palindromic yr Your
Friends Are More Popular Than You P's review of book
on Bayes' theorem in NY Times Why
Don't Americans Elect Scientists? P
discusses Once Upon a Number on C-Span> P's
old Dyscalculia article in Discover, just reposted> P's NY Times essay Stories
vs Statistics P's review of Perelman
(Poincare prover) bio in NYRB. P's Metric
Mania essay in NY Times Mag. P's Mammogram
Math essay in NY Times Mag. All of Paulos' books P's
review of Nate Silver's Signal & Noise Review:Paulos
deserves high praise for turning out a book that is brief, forthright, and
amiable. While making the same basic points as, say, Dawkins's The God
Delusion, it avoids the often choleric tone of that work. More
Reviews, Excerpts from IRRELIGION Ramsey
Order & Self-Organization Paulos
speaking (a bit hurriedly) at Beyond Belief 2.0 PW: "Few of the recent books on
atheism have been worth reading just for wit and style, but this is one of
them: Paulos is truly funny" Sam Harris: "John Allen Paulos has done us all a great
service. Irreligion is an elegant and timely response to the manifold
ignorance that still goes by the name of 'faith' in the 21st century." Jesus' &
Seneca's Descendants? Exit Polls Remain a
Statistical Mystery! Complexity
and Intelligent Design ---Addendum--- Abortion
Through the Looking Glass The
Internet, Power, and Wealth Jesus, Socrates, and
Secularism New S.E.C. Inquiry: 62.381527% of all statistics
made up on the spot. Total(itarian)
Information Awareness Each of the six expressions - 8y, 6x, 8z, 7w, 7x, 6w - will disappear when focused upon. Stare at one and
check below to see if the occult ocular software has guessed your choice. |
Pythagoras Consorts with Pulitzer
Books / Reviews
/ Speaking / Miscellaneous
Writings / Resume / Twitter, Letterman / Contact / paulos at temple dot edu John
Allen Paulos ( paulos
at temple dot edu, tweets
by @johnallenpaulos ) is an extensively kudized author, popular public
speaker, and former monthly columnist for ABCNews.com (archived here, the text copyright by JAP, only the
presentation copyright by ABC), the
Scientific American, and the Guardian.
Professor of math at Temple, a state university in Philadelphia, he
earned his Ph.D. in the subject from the University of Wisconsin. His
most recent book is Irreligion . His forthcoming book (November, 2015) is A
Numerate Life - A Mathematician Explores the Vagaries of Life, His and
Probably Yours. Other writings of his include Innumeracy
(NY Times bestseller for 18 weeks), A Mathematician
Reads the Newspaper (on the readers' list of the Random House Modern
Library's compilation of the 100 best nonfiction books of the century **), Once Upon a Number (chosen by the LA
Times as one of the best books of 1998), and A Mathematician Plays the
Stock Market (a brief tenant on the BusinessWeek bestsellers list). He's
also written scholarly papers on probability, logic, and the philosophy of
science as well as scores of OpEds, book reviews,
and articles in publications such as the NY Times, the Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, the Nation, Discover, the American
Scholar, and the London Review of Books. The
audiences he's addressed range from those in classrooms to members of the
Smithsonian, from Harvard's Nieman Fellows to its
Hasty Pudding Club, from mathematical associations to stock market forums,
and from NASA and the National Academy of Sciences to college gatherings,
including the commencement assembly at the University of Wisconsin. Paulos
has appeared frequently on radio and television, including a four-part BBC
adaptation of A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper and appearances on
the Lehrer News Hour, 20/20, Larry King, and David Letterman. In
2002 he received the University Creativity Award, in 2003 the American
Association for the Advancement of Science award for promoting public
understanding of science, and in 2013 the Mathematics Communication Award
from the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. He's
also been cited by cultural, business, and political commentators, has an extensive web
presence, and has even been the answer to a Jeopardy question. With these
curious credentials, he served for two years on the editorial board of the Philadelphia Daily News where, as with
his newspaper book, ABC columns, and stint at the Columbia School of Journalism, he tried to straddle the disparate
realms of Pythagoras and Pulitzer. Paulos
can be CONTACTED at paulos
at temple dot edu. Other CONTACT information is here Celebrity
bios are available here as are stories about (wink) astrological enlightenment, amazing miracles, world sports, new books, peerless persiflage, quarky
commentary, travel, and the
presidential betting odds of William Safire. Market analysis may be found as well as some old news on the
after(math) of 9/11 - number
nonsense and the
prisoner's dilemma.
"Measuring (Presidential) Bacteria" and "How Florida's Chief Judge Misquoted Me",
from 2000 election.
Shark reports -
two views, one Paulos', the other not.
Books / Reviews / Miscellaneous
Writings / Resume / Twitter, Letterman, Other Stuff / Contact / Email paulos at temple
dot edu |
miscellaneous writings
twitter, Letterman, other stuff